Friday, December 28, 2012


Hello World,

    Today was very un-expecting . Something very sad happened to someone who is almost a stranger to me. This person I'd seen at school before, and followed on social messaging sights, but that was it. This person lost someone very close to him/her today. I don't want to share any names so this person is A the person he/she lost is B and the other person I will talk about it C. I don't know the full story, what I'm sharing with you is what I have picked up.

       Person A was best friends with person B. Person C was quickly becoming friends with B. Well C and A didn't like each other. But B and A had been friends since ever, and were like sisters. At the other person's house more than at their own. So person C was starting to take B from A. And A didn't like it. So their was a BIG fight, and in the end person A lost a friend. Person B and C were now best friends and A just wanted B back.

   This is very sad to me. It has taught me that life takes unexpected turns, and we won't always be prepared for it. And that friendships are very special, and should be treasured.

It's time to go.

I'll post again tomorrow.

I hope this has helped at least one of you.

Good Night


Thursday, December 27, 2012


Hello World,

              I finally made it to my grandparents house. And i'm so bored. Right now we're watching the news. ALL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT IS GUN CONTROL!! Good lord, just fix it and we'll be happy.   My brother just told me he knew who my boyfriend was. His mind is sorta twisted since I'm single. Annnyway our trip up was pretty good. At the big mall in DC I ended up not buying anything. But I'm planning on getting something on the way back.

I GTG time for dinner.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Traveling to Grandma's

                Hello World,

  Tommorow is the start of our treck to our grandmother's house. Our plan is to leave at 9 am so that we can get to a big shopping mall near her house by 11 o'clock so that we can shop until we have to meet her for dinner. My shopping plan is.....

* something for Savannah my best friend/ sister

* Laptop Bag

Any ideas on a store for good laptop bags? Found this one that I really want on Amazon. I'll post the link if I buy it. Don't want anyone else getting one.... hehehe. 

I'm really excited, I just HATE packing. GTG pack. (ick)

Wish me luck!
